Pharmaceuticals company streamlines management of its projects in two weeks by implementing Dynamics for Sales using Biz Aid’s 365 CE Accelerator

Biz Aid had us working in the new system quickly. That gave us a better scope of what we wanted, and they made those happen without weeks of requirements meetings or downtime.
David Harel, CEO, CytoReason
Dynamics Accelerator Solution

Using our Accelerator, CytoReason started using personalized processes to manage projects with Dynamics CRM. Working with CytoReason, Biz Aid performed the following implementation actions:
Provided extra customizations necessary for phase 1
Imported data
Delivered training
Created 365 users with relevant roles to the CRM
Connected Outlook to the CRM

By end of implementation, CytoReason was using the following functions of the CRM:
Lead management
Business opportunities and pipeline management
Activities management — phone calls, tasks and emails
Outlook interface — email sync and leads creation from emails
Mobile App- accessing data, from anywhere, at any time

With Microsoft Dynamics for Sales, CytoReason is seeing the following benefits:
Ability to overview all projects in all stages in one place
Ability to see full history from the account form
Watch all customer’s info from Outlook
Ability to stay on top of tasks assigned to different team members
Stay connected by accessing Dynamics from the mobile app